sabato 5 dicembre 2020

Advent Calendar day 5/6/7 - following the light

Sunrise - 9:02am

Sunset- 15:10pm

 Hello everybody !

the last few days have been hectic and busy here in my dwelling. The weather went from joyfully snowing to warm rainy and wet, over and over again. Days are still getting shorter and shorter, but the solstice is getting closer and so the mood is quite good. The neighbourhood, but really the whole little town, is now alight with the traditional white lights on windows, trees and barns. Walking around in the dark looks pretty much as walking in a living fairytale. So I thought you might like to see how it is like to have a stroll around here, these days.

Beautiful isn't it ? This is my favourite time of the year, even if I like every season for their own peculiarity, the feelings arising during the Solstice/Christmas time are just so primordial, in a way. I think that when people consider this time just a merely commercial or religious matter, it is because they don't have a strong enough connection with the nature, with mother earth. Here, where seasons are dramatically different, where the light, or the lack of it, caraterize every period of the year, well the return of light is celebrated as a relief, as an amazing moment, no matter your spiritual path or you holiday traditions. The reality is, that this IS a magical, incredible moment in which our spirit get new energy to face a new beginning. 

Tomorrow Finland celebrates the Indipendence day, 103 years old, if I am not wrong. So please, my dear finnish readers, accept my best wishes for your hard earned freedom <3

mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020

Advent Calendar day 4 - Following the light

  Hello out there !

Hopefully you're all in good health and good spirit. Today started cloudy and grey to become clear and crispy by midday. It even allowed me and little boy to go in 'our' forest for a short visit before dark.

But first things first, let's follow the light ...

Sunrise - 8:56 am

Sunset - 15:12 pm

Today, I decorated our entrance room and switched to Christmas mugs and glasses ( I don't have Christmas plates tho ) and of course I kept working with my beloved wool. I can't imagine a better activity in this cold season than working soft and warm woolen fibers <3

May peace be with you all <3

martedì 1 dicembre 2020

Advent Calendar - Following the light

 Hello everybody out there !

Hopefully my post finds you all well. We had some snow during the night but already early this morning it has started raining and everything melted, so once again everything is muddy, wet and dark. But I am still hoping for a white Christmas...

But here we go following the light today ...

 Sunrise - 8:54 am

 Sunset - 15:13 pm

Even if the Advent started already on Sunday, traditionally we put up our Advent Calendar always the first day of December. So this morning in the very wee hours of the day I got the calendar out of the Christmas box and started filling it with all kind of junk (sic) sweets my kids love. 

When my kids were younger I used to make a new calendar each year, then around 8 years ago I made the one we're still using and everybody loved it so much that it stuck. It's 24 tiny knitted woolen socks (newborn size) of different colours and in my opinion it looks so lovely !!

Needless to say I am so in love with our Advent tradition <3

And you dear ones ? Do you have any tradition in your family that you especially love ?