mercoledì 25 novembre 2020

Long time

 My last post in this dwelling dates 3 years ago. It is amazing how time flyes away. How time heals. How life keeps changing in a neverending dance.

 I'm here and as fine as I could be, and very very thanksful for this. Something shifted in me and suddently my soul has found its peace. Not that everything is always beautiful or that nothing ever disappoints me. It is something deeper. It's an inner balance for which, again, I am immensly grateful for.

Here in the north we're in the deep of the dark season. Today the sunrise was at 8:41am and the sunset at 15:22pm; until the winter solstice we will loose a couple more hours of light. 

So far no snow, just a short dusted a few days ago and tonight an incredible frost which painted the whould world in white. But now it is raining again.


I'm already deep in the Yule/Christmas mood, already playing wintery music and tiressly work on Yule/Christmas project sipping endless teas (I'm rather a coffee person, but hot tea is my choice when it comes to warm up.


It's nice to be back <3

1 commento:

  1. Ciao Flavia, sono Nadia..ti ricordi di me? Ti ho scritto una lettera tempo fa, ma non ho ricevuto risposta..forse non è arrivata..non sapevo come ritrovarti... Comunque spero che stiate tutti bene..e mi farebbe piacere risentirti o vedere arrivare una tua lettera..Abitiamo ancora a Villa Basilica 💚
